Art & Culture Arte e cultura
  The three churches dominate the lower part as if they wanted to protect the town from above against new calamities. Wonderful views can be enjoyed by their bell-towers, especially from the church of Sant’Antonio on the top of the hill.

The church of Sant’Antonio is a typical example of baroque art, it was rebuilt in the upper part of the town in 1748. Like in the church of Idria in Ibla, its façade can be entirely seen only from the side parts of the church. But this gives the church a higher plasticism owing to the light effects and to the architectural elements of the pilaster and of the semi-columns. The church has a nave and two lateral aisles with a transept. The façade has three orders, defined by thin wrought iron railings. From the original parvis a wonderful view of the town can be enjoyed. The bell- tower with three arches achieved in 1818 soars to the sky.